5 Great Online Resources About Education Reform

Education reform is designed to improve how effective the education system is. In the United States, advocates across the country are working to find better ways to manage class sizes, reduce costs and improve academic results. Through these changes, the educational system can become better able to meet the needs of students across the country.

1. The National Education Policy Center

The National Education Policy Center provides information about education initiatives in the United States. They offer think tank reviews and research about the field of education. The main goal of this organization is to produce and release peer-reviewed research that can be used in discussions about education policy. This allows politicians and school administrators to adopt policies that are based on high-quality evidence.

2. U.S. PIRG

This consumer group works to release objective studies about higher education. Their goal is to reform education so that students can afford the cost of college and post-secondary schools. With skyrocketing student debt, college attendance has only grown more difficult for students across the nation. Graduates now have an average of $26,000 in student loan debt. Through their research and policy studies, the PIRG seeks to make loans and textbooks affordable. They also want to increase the amount of grants provided to college students.

3. Students for Education Reform

This group is unique because it seeks to put reform into students’ hands. It looks at the way different issues prevent K-12 programs from being successful. Students are encouraged to take part, share their stories and work toward social change. Meanwhile, teachers and educational advocates can use the “Learn” section of the page to find out more information.

4. The Urban Institute

The Urban Institute believes that American schools are critical for lifting students out of poverty. Researchers at the organization conduct policy research from pre-kindergarten schools through college. The organization also researches the way education relates to fields like criminal justice, housing and human health.

Originally, the Urban Institute was started in 1968 to look at the problems experienced by American cities such as poverty. Instead of taking a position on any issue, the Urban Institute uses objective analysis to inform policy debates. Since educational reform, poverty and other issues are closely linked, the organization has sought to research evidence-based views to inform policy decisions.

5. The Center for Research and Reform in Education (CRRE)

The CRRE is a part of Johns Hopkins School of Education. Set up in 2004, this center was established with the goal of improving the quality of education. The CRRE works to research and evaluate studies about policy changes and educational practices. Educators, parents and the general public can access this information through the CRRE’s newsletter, website, blog and magazine. It offers a bi-weekly newsletter called the Best Evidence in Brief about current research and news. A blog about evidence-based reform is written by the CRRE and hosted by the Huffington Post. This blog includes CRRE Director Robert Slavin’s commentary on educational innovation, policy and research.

Teachers and parents can learn more about the latest research through a variety of online resources. From policy changes to more effective teaching strategies, these organizations offer some of the best data on education reform.

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