In-Demand Teaching Jobs
- STEM Teachers
- Teaching English as a Second Language (TESOL)
- Health Specialties Teachers
- Special Needs/Gifted Education
- Preschool Teachers
If you’re thinking of becoming a teacher, you may be wondering what the most in-demand teaching jobs are. Where will you be needed the most? Which areas are you most likely to find teaching jobs in? We’ve done some research and found five teaching jobs that are not only in demand right now but whose demand will continue to grow.
1. STEM Teachers
STEM stands for science, technology, engineering, and math. Teachers in these areas are in high-demand because STEM education is becoming increasingly popular. The U.S. is striving to keep up with the STEM output produced by other countries and STEM education seems to be the way of the future, which means teaching jobs in this area should only expect to grow. These jobs may also be among some of the higher paid teaching jobs as well. Teachers are needed in STEM areas from elementary school all the way up through post-secondary education.
2. Teaching English as a Second Language (TESOL)
It’s becoming more common for students to speak languages other than English. Because there are so many more children that use English as their second language, there is a tremendous demand for teachers that are certified to teach ESL (English as a Second Language). These types of teachers can find that their help is needed at all levels of education; helping students to not only adapt to a new language, but to a new culture. These types of teachers can even find jobs outside of a traditional classroom, with high-demand for teachers in urban/adult settings.
3. Health Specialties Teachers
Postsecondary education teachers include a wide variety of teachers. They can teach in colleges, universities, and in vocational skills. It’s no surprise the demand for healthcare professionals is going to grow tremendously over the years, so it’s no surprise that the demand for teacher will grow as well. Teachers are needed to teach nursing and other health specialty areas. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, health specialties teachers will be the highest-demand post-secondary teaching job, with a projected growth of 19 percent.
4. Special Needs/Gifted Education
Things have evolved a lot in the last few decades as far as education for those with special needs. With more and more students needing special services, the need for teachers able to provide those services will only increase. In fact, the number of diagnostic attention being devoted to students now means that the country doesn’t even close to the right amount of teachers to help them. Special needs teachers can work with students of all ages, in a wide variety of settings. These teachers help with basic education, but also with learning how to develop on a daily basis.
Related: What is the Employment Outlook for Special Education Teachers?
5. Preschool Teachers
Times have changed dramatically in the last century, with most people sending their kids to school earlier than the traditional Kindergarten. Preschool teacher demand has grown exponentially in the last few decades and isn’t slowing down anytime soon. These teachers help young children not only adapt to a school setting to prepare them for Kindergarten, but also help teach them basic life skills like going to the bathroom and learning independence. With so many studies showing the importance of early child education, it’s easy to see why so many people will be seeking preschool teaching jobs.
Being a teacher is a very hard, but selfless job. You are responsible for the growth of your students and it’s easy to understand why you would want to go where you are needed the most. The five in-demand teaching jobs on this list are sure to give you an effective teaching experience, in an area that needs you most.